2000-12-22 - Night

Peeve of the Day: hesher-kids who go to indie record stores and then whine loudly when CDs by their commercial-RAWK idols either aren�t in stock or are tucked away in a dark corner behind the dozens of shelves of good music. Hey, Trevor--you want to shell out $18 for Jizz Limpdick�s latest, go to Sam Goody.


Today has been a musical day. After three headache-inducing hours mucking around with Quark files, I blew off work for the rest of the morning and went to the aforementioned record store to do some last-minute Christmas shopping. Today�s haul:

--No Knife, Fire in the City of Automatons

--Moby, Play (I�m a latecomer to Moby, but God, am I loving this CD)

--Free the West Memphis 3 (benefit album for those three guys in Arkansas thrown in prison for murder ... well, OK, there wasn�t actually any real evidence of that, but they wore a lot of black and listened to that loud debbilmusic and so the God-fearing folks on the jury concluded that they were Evil and Must Be Destroyed)

--The Brothers Creeggan (for my sister-in-law)

When most of you go Christmas shopping, you buy presents for other people, right?

But anyway, I then came home to find that my tickets for the Rocket From the Crypt shows in January had finally arrived. About bloody time--I ordered them from Ticketbastards over two weeks ago. I�m so stoked about this show, I could just pop--it�s been over a year since they played in front of the hometown crowd and I fully expect them to rip me and the rest of San Diego a new asshole.


Oh, and speaking of assholes, Garth Brooks is getting sued for the third time by a disability rights group for allegedly ordering that all the wheelchair seats at one of his concerts be blocked off "so the pretty girls can sit up front." Screw the Gimps--Garth wants seats for his groupies! Yuck.

I don�t want to dwell too long on this story because the thought of big-haired girls from Oklahoma lining up to "service" Garth after the show makes my gorge rise, but geez--if Garth had been paying attention while surfing all those porn websites he�d know that people in wheelchairs are at the exact right height for acts of oral hooverism. Not that I know anything about that personally, mind you.


I wish I'd rented Babe before watching tonight's Iron Chef. Is that wrong?


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12