2001-02-21 - Afternoon

I did some random browsing on Diaryland today. I think it�ll be a while before I work up the courage to do that again. Remember when you were a kid and you were with your mom at K-mart and you wandered off because you wanted to look at the cool airplane models in the toy department and you got lost and you kept going around and around and before you knew it you were in this dark part of the store with these big scary-looking tools hanging on the walls and nobody there but this one old man in greasy clothes picking his teeth who said he�d help you find your mom but wanted to show you something first? That�s what randomly browsing Diaryland is like.

On the other hand, it�s nice to find someone you don�t know who has you listed as a favorite page in their profile--so, welcome xsty. And a big muchas-gracias to mechaieh, who did me the honor of signing my guestbook. Hope you keep reading.


First, some fun stuff: Yesterday a good friend sent me a plush TIMMAYYY!! doll that is officially the Coolest Thing Ever. It talks! It rolls! It frightens the cat!

Timmy is my hero. He is the cream in my coffee. He is the wind beneath my wings. He�s an inspiration to us all. He�s also the only disabled TV character I�ve seen in three decades of tube-watching who doesn�t make me want to throw up and/or put my fist through the screen. Plus, I was Timmy last year for Halloween and I got some nookie as a result, so he�s got to be cool.

I�m not far enough along on the technology curve to have a digital camera yet, so any visuals here will have to wait till I�ve gotten the pictures developed and sent them to my Uncle Joe for scanning. And once I�ve scored myself a Share-a-Smile Becky I can make those gimp stop-motion animations I�ve always had it in my mind to do.


Some brief comments on last night�s Buffy/Angel.

Buffy: Lame--until the very end. Wow. I wasn�t expecting any of the characters to make that abrupt an exit, even if it wasn�t entirely surprising (I�ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop in that particular subplot for some time now). Otherwise the episode wasn�t much to write home about--except for Giles� speech to Spike. Now that�s one poncy Brit I wouldn�t want pissed off at me.

Angel: This one would have been better placed right after the wine-cellar massacre episode, without all that stupid fluff in between about zombie cops and lawyers robbing teenage runaways. (The latter was especially irritating. Dear Angel writers: We already know the Wolfram & Hart people are Eeeeevil--you don�t need to draw handlebar mustaches on them to make the point.--Love, Mig.) As a former Angeleno, I liked the bit about downtown L.A. as the last circle of Hell. But does anyone out there really think that having sex with Darla is going to make Angel lose his soul again? I believe the experts term what we saw onscreen a "hate fuck"; in any event it�s a far cry from the Moment of True Happiness that�s supposedly required to make good Angel go bad. Maybe there�s a loophole that we don�t know about, though.


Back to work now.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12