2001-07-20 - 11:07 p.m.

Just a nice, quiet evening here at Casa de Mig. Earlier today an old coworker dropped by and bought my old computer--which means that not only am I a hundred and fifty bucks richer but I have my kitchen table back. It had been sitting there for over a year, blocking the window and forcing me to eat in the living room--mostly because of my own laziness and my desire to copy all the porn^H^H^H^Hessential work files off the hard disk before getting rid of it--and I wanted that fucking albatross gone so badly I could taste it. My apartment actually seems bigger now.

My next task: go through that pile of junk at the foot of my bed and either throw shit out or put it away before some 80-year-old Japanese soldier who doesn�t know World War II is over crawls out and slits my throat while I sleep.


Last night I went to see this guy. He�s sort of a dj, but not really. He�s sort of an electronic/experimental musician, but not really. He�s kind of both and kind of neither. He skateboards. He plays hockey. He designs web sites that look great but are also lynx-compatible, of all things. He�ll never, ever win a Grammy and I love him to pieces for it. He�s a genius. And a really good friend.

He�s also only 23. God, I hate him. I hope he dies.

Just kidding.

No, really.


Tomorrow�s the big comic-book and sf geek conclave in San Diego and I�ll have to be going to bed soon in order to conserve my energy. Fighting my way through densely packed hordes of the nerdiest people in the universe always leaves me feeling like a spent Odor Eater at the end of the day.

But don�t get me wrong--I love it. I�m a geek, I�m damn proud of it, and I enjoy the company of other geeks (at least so long as they bathe regularly, including those hard-ro-reach places). What�s a "geek," anyway, but simply a person who has enthusiasm for the offbeat and unusual? Not all of those things interest me--some of them bore the crap out of me, in fact--but I�ll still hand out all sorts of props to anyone who delves into subjects and activities they genuinely like, rather than what they�ve been brainwashed into thinking they�re supposed to like, which is how most people in this society muddle their way through their day-to-day existences.

Most if not all of my friends are geeks by that definition. All the music I like is made by musicians who actually like what they do. And most if not all of the diaries I read here show an enthusiasm for something--Dlove has passion for his art, Badsnake is enthusiastic about sex (and gets more of it than anyone else I know, God bless her), Gawain lives for computer games and Xena porn, et cetera. More power to them, I say. Life is too short and we already spend a third of it asleep--why spend the rest of it brain-dead?

But enough pseudo-philosophy. What I really wanted to say was, there�s always a ton of esoteric shit for sale at this thing tomorrow--anyone want anything? A signed first edition of Strangers in Paradise? One of Kevin Smith�s sweaty baseball caps? Boba Fett�s codpiece? I�m taking requests.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12