2002-07-12 - 6:31 p.m.

Here's a topic:

If you threw both Moby and Eminem into the shower room at San Quentin, which one do you think would get butt-raped first?



Another topic:

Is that Olive Garden commercial claiming that they send all their chefs to some fancy cooking school in Italy the biggest lie since Mussolini said he made the trains run on time? Discuss and show alternative examples.


Topic Number 3:

You can tell that Reign of Fire is going to suck even harder than Independence Day just by watching the commercials. Remember to show your work.


Off to see these guys tonight. Thank God this motivation-free post-holiday workweek is over.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

In Which Miguelito Discovers the Origins of His Evel Knievel Complex - 12:45 p.m. , 2003-11-17

You know that your generation is fucked when ... - 9:54 p.m. , 2002-10-15

Pedestrian rant - 11:46 p.m. , 2002-10-02