2000-12-18 - Night

Evil comes in many forms. In some of those forms it�s so ubiquitous that we long ago became numb to its presence--SUVs, for example. But then Evil changes its shape, morphing itself into something so hideous that it strikes darkness and despair into our hearts all over again.

That�s the only way I can explain what I saw today. Your average everyday SUV is evil enough--an SUV with a big-ass Christmas wreath stuck to the front grille is a wet, chunky, garlicky fart ripped right from Satan�s bunghole. Especially if the wreath in question ends up almost being driven through your windshield when the SUV it�s attached to runs a red light when you�re trying to make a left turn from the opposite direction and the woman behind the wheel pulls her shiny collagen-bloated face away from her cellphone just long enough to glare at you and give you the finger as she swerves and sails by. Yeah, and Feliz Fucking Navidad to you too.

Ah. That felt good.


Had a fun weekend. On Friday night I saw Gregory Page perform (remind me one of these days to tell you why the music scene in San Diego is about a million times better than L.A.�s), on Saturday I went to the art-fart theater�s annual poster sale and scored a Buena Vista Social Club poster that�ll look great on my wall if and when I ever get it framed, and on Sunday I went to a party.

I don�t go to many parties. I�m the polar opposite of that character in Clerks--I like people, but I hate gatherings. OK, actually, I hate most people, too, but there are a significant number who I like and whose company I enjoy one-on-one or in small groups. But even the smart and interesting ones get dull and stupid when they�re herded into a big room with a hundred other people who don�t like to talk about anything but clothes, hair, sports, TV shows and liposuction. Even I do.

This party was different. I didn�t know anyone there, except for one or two friends, so I couldn�t just hang back with my own clique, telling the same old jokes and running the same old topics into the ground--I actually had to mix it up and have real conversations with people I�d just met. Which normally bores the crap out of me, except that these conversations were about books and music and movies and politics ... the sorts of things I usually have to go to Canada to talk about. Ever since the election I�ve felt like I�m drowning in stupidity, but last night was ... I don�t know ... brain-to-brain resuscitation, I guess.


And speaking of people herded together in large numbers: Check this out. Me like the pretty lights.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12