2001-05-16 - 2:27 p.m.

Spring is here. I can tell that it�s here because:

* The jacarandas have exploded in all their purplish blue glory;

* The jacaranda I park my car under is happily dripping sap all over it;

* The sap is followed by a gentle purplish blue rain of jacaranda flowers, which stick to my car like flies to flypaper;

* Before getting in my car, I have to spend several minutes hosing this thick paste of sap and flowers off so I can see through the windshield;

* The hummingbirds are out.

Now these are my kind of birds. First, because they�re tiny. Second, because they�re fast. Third, because they�re hyper-aggressive and territorial. Just observe them at a bird feeder sometime--a pair of them will stake their claim to it and if any other hummingbird dares to approach their bird feeder they�ll get all kamikaze on its ass. It�s like watching a teeny-weeny re-creation of the Battle of Midway.

There�s a hummingbird nest right now on one of the leaves of the rubber tree outside. It�s no bigger than a golf ball, and the female does nothing but sit on the eggs all day looking all bad-ass while the male occasionally stops by to bring her some food. I�d take a picture and post it here, but I don�t have a digital camera, and anyway I�m afraid that I�d wind up minus an eyeball if I got too close.


Just saw a promo for Pearl Harbor that insults all Peter Gabriel fans by putting "Rhythm of the Heat" on the soundtrack while the screen shows lots of airplanes and battleships gettin� blowed up real good. I already hate this movie.


The verdict is in about my recent illness. According to the doctor I came down with this unusually gnarly rhinovirus (that�s a cold, for those who don�t speak medicalese) that somehow found its way into my digestive tract where it proceeded to fuck with my intestines and just about all the rest of my internal organs besides, especially my heart and kidneys. Whee.

For some reason, I can�t help thinking that I must have been an unwitting subject in some biological warfare experiment and that some white-coated techie deep in a subbasement of the Pentagon is picking at one of my stool samples even as I write this. Lick it up, monkey boy.


I think I�ll go pick up REM�s latest today just to give Michael Stipe some props for coming out yesterday. Yeah, I know, for Michael Stipe to announce that he�s gay is like the Pope announcing that he�s Polish, but good for him anyway. I figure Henry Rollins is next.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12