2002-02-01 - 9:00 p.m.

Three music recommendations for you indie-rawk kiddies to enjoy:

* Beehive and the Barracudas. Dirty, greasy garage blues, brought straight to San Diego via East Berlin and Blight, Michigan. Confused? Don�t worry--the little programs they hand out before the show explain it all, sort of.

* The Detroit Cobras. Power-pop a la Big Star but with the vampiest lead singer since Nancy Sinatra. Hot hot hot.

* The Hives. Fucking-punk-as-all-fuck punk rock from Sweden--yes,Sweden. I don�t know who the Strokes stroked off to wind up all over the airwaves all of a sudden, but it�s the Hives who belong there.

Listen to them. You�ll like them. And if you don�t, you might as well donate your eardrums to some deaf person because you obviously can�t be bothered to put them to proper use anyway.


Finally watched my tape of this week�s Buffy. Mildly amusing--though I had to fast-forward my way through all the scenes with Willow the Magic 12-Stepper and Amy the Enabler. (Please, please, please kill that plotline and give us back the old witchy Willow we know and love. Please.) Good things about the episode: (1) Anya�s grrrl-bonding moments with her former vengeance-demon colleague; (2) the Soylent-Green-is-PEEEOPLE look on Xander�s face; (3) the granny with the giant prehensile killer penis popping out of her skull--shit, I haven�t seen anything that creepy since the last David Cronenberg movie I went to; (4) the entire lack of Nekkid Spike, for once.


I ask you ... Was the fine art of creative Googling just a passing fad? I haven�t gotten any good Google hits in quite some time. All I get is "cartoon dollies" or "animated dollies" or some similar variation thereof--and I get about a hundred of those a day. I�m starting to think they�re all from the same person--some skinny 40-year-old guy sitting in a basement apartment under his parents� house, wearing the same crispy shirt for 12 days straight and with a big crunchy spot on the carpet under his chair where he hasn�t been bothering to clean up after himself. There are some types of minion I just don�t want to have


Fuck the Superbowl--bring on the Olympics. I want ice dancing and I want it NOW, goddamn it.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

In Which Miguelito Discovers the Origins of His Evel Knievel Complex - 12:45 p.m. , 2003-11-17

You know that your generation is fucked when ... - 9:54 p.m. , 2002-10-15

Pedestrian rant - 11:46 p.m. , 2002-10-02