2002-08-12 - 5:20 p.m.

What to get for the Evil Genius Who Has Everything:

Here�s a brief recap of Miguelito�s Birthday Jubilee Week:

Tuesday, 8/6--HOT SNAKES!!! Not like I�m a gushy fanboy or anything, but one of the best bands in the entire history of amplified music is currently making its way around the U.S. and Canada and everyone currently reading this journal is under orders to go see them unless he or she has a doctor�s note or a good excuse (like being more than a three-hour drive from anywhere they�re playing--and that only applies if you can�t afford the airfare). Tell them Miguelito sent you. If you do, they�ll look at you funny and/or call security because Miguelito�s not my real name, but tell them anyway.

Alcohol count: zero. It was an all-ages show, and this is San Diego, where we don�t allow the serving of alcohol in the presence of under-18s for fear the kids will get bad ideas and start using their fake IDs at bars instead of just using them to buy spray paint and get into strip clubs. We�re always Thinking About the Children here.

Wednesday, 8/7--Caught an early, truncated-by-order-of-the-management performance by my friend J at the Casbah. Alcohol count: 1 pint of Bass ale--I had to work the next day.

Thursday, 8/8--Official birthday. Went to dinner with my brother and his wife. Got the DVD of The Fellowship of the Ring from them as a present. Found out from them that whatever parasite is killing all the oleanders in Los Angeles has found its way to the ones in our parents� backyard, something my brother and I agreed is a Good Thing. (First, because oleanders are ubiquitous in Southern California. Second, because oleanders are anus-ugly and the ones at my folks� house are particularly so. Third, because oleanders are one of the most toxic plants in the world--every so often there�s a news story about some senile old biddy or clueless tree-hugger who uses oleander leaves to make "herbal tea" and then drops dead after the first sip.) Alcohol count: 2 blue Cadillac margaritas.

Friday, 8/9--Went to dinner with T at a new restaurant in Balboa Park. Couldn�t figure out which one of us the waiter was flirting with. Planned on seeing a John Waters film being shown at the Museum of Photographic Arts (which has been showing cult movies on the weekends all summer), but didn�t finish dinner in time so we watched the Sopranos on DVD at my house instead. Decided that T�s mom is much more like Tony Soprano�s than mine is. Alcohol count: 1 pitcher of sangria between us.

Saturday, 8/10--Went to the Live Wire with some friends. Got a Fat Bastard action figure as a present (see above). Wound up at another bar. Alcohol count: 3 pints of Newcastle, one Chivas straight-up, one Chivas on the rocks. Don�t remember anything else.


So I search Yahoo for the proper spelling of Chivas and it tells me this:

"Try searching for chicas instead."

Fucking Yahoo. Tell me something I don�t already know, why don�t you?


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

In Which Miguelito Discovers the Origins of His Evel Knievel Complex - 12:45 p.m. , 2003-11-17

You know that your generation is fucked when ... - 9:54 p.m. , 2002-10-15

Pedestrian rant - 11:46 p.m. , 2002-10-02