2001-03-16 - Night

I am sooooo ready for Saturday to be here. This week started off with the Airborne Express fiasco and is ending with me trying to get three days� worth of work done before I leave town tomorrow. If you�re a betting man, call your bookie and put your grandma�s dialysis money on, "Mig will be up till midnight or later cleaning up after his own laziness and others� stupidity." You�ll be able to buy her a new kidney come morning.

It�s a nice day out today, too. Bleah.

But hey, I got my first google hit today! Or at least the first one I know about--someone searching for LaWanda Page info. My best guess is, someone is deconstructing Sanford and Son for his or her dissertation. You heathen.

Anyway, I�m off for a brief, but action-packed trip to L.A. tomorrow which should go a long way toward recharging my batteries. This is probably my last entry till Sunday night at the earliest. Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12