2001-06-26 - 1:20 p.m.

Here�s a name suggestion for Badsnake�s advice column: How about "Dear Denzel"?


Just a brief update so you don�t start thinking I�m back in the hospital or anything. My net access was down from Friday night to Sunday afternoon--a blessing in disguise, as I could then get out in the sun and party with friends without even the temptation to be a loozer and sit in front of the computer all weekend--and yesterday I was simply too busy to update. I�m trying to post entries here at least every couple of days, but I suspect the intervals will grow longer the warmer it gets. Consider yourself warned.

On Sunday I finally made it to the Quiz Night at the pub down the hill from my house. The key to success at pub quizzes in the U.S. is to make sure you have a Brit on your team to get all the U.K.-specific questions they toss out to make the Americans look thick. We had a guy from Glasgow on our team and we took second place because he knew how many different colors are potted in an eight-point break in snooker, whatever the hell that means. And the hostess (one of the pub�s co-owners) was delightfully snarky in that special British way, particularly toward the folks who weren�t playing but who kept yelling out the answers anyway: "If you truly want to see that I can be an even bigger cunt than Anne Robinson then just keep doing what you�re doing."

In that spirit, I actually watched The Weakest Link last night. Lordy lordy, what a bitch. When I rule the world I�m appointing Anne Robinson Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, if I don�t marry her instead.

The show itself is ... well, not that great. The production values are cheesy even for a game show (Dear Music Director: the porn producer a few doors down wants his keyboards back), the contestants are deeply stupid (though at least Anne tells them so--a refreshing change from most game shows where the host treats even the biggest moron like Stephen Fucking Hawking) and it�s paced--or looped--like a skit on Teletubbies. But it�s worth at least one look, if only for Anne. Make her wardrobe just a teensy bit more Katherine-Harris-meets-Darth-Vader and she�d be the Anti-Alex Trebek.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

When the Nearest Lamppost Isn't Close Enough - 11:49 p.m. , 2005-09-06

Dear Kurt Vonnegut: Get out of my head. - 6:19 p.m. , 2004-05-14

The apocalypse will be televised - 11:35 a.m. , 2004-05-12