2002-03-01 - 8:09 a.m.

One of the Best Goddamn Quotes Ever:

"Poor Josh Hartnett has to go forty days without sex. I want to kill him and everybody involved with that movie. Each and every one."

--From this week�s Angel recap on Television Without Pity

Amen, nerd-brother. Remember when you were a pathetic 15-year-old hormone-crazed geek and the theaters were full of movies about other hormone-crazed geeks and the zany hijinks that ensued as they tried to get laid? So what do today�s frustrated teenage virgins get? Movies about freakishly handsome young men and the zany hijinks that ensue as they try not to get more poontang in one day than anyone deserves in an entire lifetime.

That, and lots of war movies.

Why not just set up a fucking Trenchcoat Mafia recruitment table in the theater lobby while you�re at it?


I just realized that there�s an election on Tuesday and I haven�t the slightest idea of who or what to vote for. Damn it--I guess I�ve gone more native than I thought.

But that�s San Diego for you. This city likes to think it�s still a small town, and to maintain the illusion it insists on some of the slimiest backroom dealings and old-boy-network-style politics imaginable. Except that our politicians are uniformly bland and faceless with none of the quirks and eccentricities that make the average small-town wheeler-dealer so loveable in spite of himself. Our mayor got himself elected on a mildly reformist platform of improving city services and lowering housing costs but has since limited his activities to keeping the Chargers in town and dumping truckloads of cash (or IOUs, actually) from the city�s treasury into the vast bottomless pit that is the Padres� new ballpark. The members of the City Council might as well have been spawned at a cloning lab at the Salk Institute for all the differences between them. And the people just keep on voting for all of them again and again and again.

I could make my peace with all the corruption in this city if only the political landscape had a few more interesting features. Not that there aren�t a few crackpots here and there. On the radio we�ve got former mayor (and ex-con) Roger Hedgecock staking out the right-wing faux-populist fringe. Meanwhile, on the left we have ... a bunch of graying yippies from Ocean Beach, a handful of even older genuine commies who don�t know who to vote for now that Gus Hall is dead, and a whole lot of het-up undergrads from UCSD who are full of talk about veganism and anarchy now but--you just know--will be selling out to the highest corporate bidder immediately upon graduation.

At least in San Francisco you can vote for the drag queen out of protest. There�s always a drag queen running for something in San Francisco. And L.A.�s simmering, Byzantine ethnic and class hostilities never fail to fascinate at election time. San Diego will never have a drag queen on the ballot, or threaten to explode in civil unrest if the wrong candidate gets elected. Unless all the cosmetic surgeons leave town, or the earth shifts on its axis and all the sunshine goes away. We�re talking full-on revolution if that happens.

Oh well. If you�re not part of the solution, yadda yadda yadda--so I�d better just shut up now and look at the ballot. I�ve got three shows to go to this weekend and a magazine to ship to the printer on Monday, but I�ll make some time to do my civic duty. I promise.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

In Which Miguelito Discovers the Origins of His Evel Knievel Complex - 12:45 p.m. , 2003-11-17

You know that your generation is fucked when ... - 9:54 p.m. , 2002-10-15

Pedestrian rant - 11:46 p.m. , 2002-10-02