2002-03-08 - 4:13 p.m.

Before I do anything else in the morning I always sit down and peruse the web sites of several newspapers. Unless it�s an extraordinarily boring news day I can usually find something within just a few minutes to enrage me, depress me, make me laugh, or all three at the same time. (I�m a man of complex emotions, as you all know.) It really gets those neurotransmitters pumping. It�s better than coffee.

Actually, I drink coffee in the morning, too, but that�s mostly to get the bowels loosened up. I�m just telling you that because I know how eager you�d all be to hear about it.

Anyway, this morning�s vein-popper is the story about that woman in Texas who struck a homeless man with her car on the way home from a party, drove the rest of the way home with his head stuck in the windshield and his shattered legs hanging out over the hood of the car, then left him to bleed to death in her garage over the next two to three days.

Yes. Two to three days.

What the fuck?

Oh, the chick is a nurse�s aide, by the way. And the story I read says that she was high on Ecstasy the night of the accident, which makes zero sense to me. I�ve never done Ecstasy, but I�ve seen people on it, and it doesn�t make you leave people to die. Hug them to death, sure, but not abandon them as they bleed out.

What sort of inbred, conscience-impaired waste of oxygen leaves a dying man stuck on her windshield like a smooshed bug for three days?

Oh, wait, I forgot. This is Texas.

It�s not enough that I have to be pissed off at Texas for giving us George W. Bush (and hell, I�m from the state that inflicted Ronald Reagan on the world, so who am I to be all superior?). It�s not enough that every trip I�ve ever made there has included at least one moment of extreme nightmarish stress (being marooned at DFW for four hours while my friends search for me in vain is only the most recent example). It�s not enough that most of the energy companies that sucked California�s treasury dry last year are based in Texas. No, it has to produce useless pieces of crap like this woman. And Andrea Yates too.

Why did we make Texas join the United States in the first place, anyway? It would have become an independent country back in the 1840s if we had only let it. And if they�d been independent, chances are that California would be an independent country today too. Though we�d probably have Charles Manson as President or something, so maybe that�s not such a good idea.

Texas. I hate it. But it�s a pure, clean hate--like hating the French.


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The Day Leslie Made Me Cool - 7:32 p.m. , 2006-12-14

Goodbye, Leslie - 12:02 a.m. , 2006-12-13

In Which Miguelito Discovers the Origins of His Evel Knievel Complex - 12:45 p.m. , 2003-11-17

You know that your generation is fucked when ... - 9:54 p.m. , 2002-10-15

Pedestrian rant - 11:46 p.m. , 2002-10-02